Abios powers Buffed.bet’s platform with esports widgets

By | June 22, 2023
Reading Time: 2 minutes


Industry-leading esports and data provider Abios powers Buffed.bet’s new platform with esports data. The data is supplied through ready-made iframe widgets, allowing Buffed.bet to embellish their website and create an engaging user experience for esports fans with minimal development efforts.

One of the hardest aspects of creating an engaging web experience in esports is the sheer amount of data needed in each game to properly display a match schedule and up-to-date statistics. Teams change rosters, match schedules get switched at short notice, and different matchups can be hard to compare.

To help esports fans find the next and most engaging matches to bet on, Buffed has built an exciting and easy-to-use platform covering upcoming matches in the largest esports titles including League of Legends, Dota 2 and CS:GO. They also provide suggestions on betting sites and further information on how to bet on matches.

To further embellish their platform and to create a more endemic experience for esports fans, Buffed took help from Abios, an esports data and technology provider, to add statistics for the games to their platform. Abios’ Widgets allow Buffed to showcase in-depth head-to-head statistics, expected rosters and recent performance for matches, improving and creating a more immersive experience for esports fans on the platform.

As the widgets are ready-made iframe components, they require little to no development work and can be integrated seamlessly into a website in a short period of time. This makes them ideal for organisations of all sizes with tight deadlines or limited development resources.

The widgets are hosted by Abios, making maintenance work essentially non-existent, allowing customers to focus on building a better experience for esports fans.

Tom Wade, CEO and Founder of Buffed.bet
“We are extremely excited about our partnership with Abios. With the sheer volume of quality, accurate data, we can superpower our match pages to show bettors some really useful insights without them being required to leave the platform. As a small team, the ability for us to incorporate these statistics via widgets without extensive development and tricky integrations was vital.”

Philip Taube, Key Account Manager, Abios
“Buffed.bet is a new and exciting platform allowing esports fans to compare odds and see exciting stats and news for every large esports title. Products like theirs allow esports fans to get immersed in matches and learn more about each esports title. We’re happy to provide them easy-to-use building blocks to help their platform reach the next level.”

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