KJM Endorses IDVerse to Tackle Rising Concerns Over Minor Protection

By | June 10, 2024
Reading Time: 2 minutes


The Commission for Youth Media Protection (KJM) has officially endorsed IDVerse, a leading provider of online age verification solutions, to address the growing need for enhanced minor protection. This endorsement comes in the wake of concerning statistics from the Javelin Report, which underscores the critical importance of safeguarding children online. With 54% of households not monitoring or restricting their children’s online activity, the risk of exposure to harmful content is significantly heightened. KJM’s endorsement of IDVerse is a significant step towards robust and comprehensive solutions for protecting minors online.

KJM, as the central oversight body for youth media protection in Germany, plays a crucial role in evaluating and endorsing effective age verification and protection systems. Comprises experts from federal and state media authorities, KJM ensures that digital content adheres to stringent youth protection regulations. The organisation’s endorsement is a significant mark of credibility and reliability for solutions like IDVerse.

The Javelin Report, a comprehensive study on online safety, reveals that more than half of households do not monitor their children’s online activities, leading to increased risks of identity fraud and exposure to inappropriate content. The lack of oversight amplifies the need for advanced technological solutions that can provide a safer online environment for minors.

By endorsing IDVerse, KJM champions innovative solutions that prioritise the safety and well-being of minors in the digital age. IDVerse’s advanced age verification technology offers a proactive defense against online threats, ensuring that minors are protected from identity fraud and inappropriate content. This endorsement is particularly valuable for the iGaming market, where preventing underage gambling is a critical concern.

Peter Violaris, Head of Global Privacy at IDVerse, said: “We are honored to receive the endorsement of KJM, which validates our unwavering commitment to minor protection and online age verification. The alarming statistics on unmonitored online activity among children underscore the critical need for robust solutions.

“At IDVerse, we have developed cutting-edge technology that not only protects children but also respects the privacy of all users. Our system ensures that only the necessary information is shared and that data is securely handled and promptly deleted after verification. Together with KJM, we are dedicated to creating a safer online environment for children worldwide.”

The endorsement of IDVerse by KJM sets a precedent for future initiatives aimed at enhancing minor protection and safeguarding children from age-restricted or inappropriate content. It underscores the importance of collaboration between regulatory bodies and industry leaders in addressing the evolving challenges of the digital landscape.

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