ACR Poker released part one of its High Stakes Adventure: London documentary on YouTube. The riveting two-part film follows the journey of two ACR Pros, Jon Pardy and Drew Gonzalez alongside one ACR Stormer, Manu Zapf who all competed in this summer’s Triton Super High Roller Series in London.
The two-part documentary captures the intense poker action and dramatic moments (on and off the felt) detailing the journey of best friends Jon Pardy and Drew Gonzalez from sleeping on sofas and broke to the glitz and glamour of the high roller circuit in London.
ACR Pro, Jon Pardy, said, “Triton was such an amazingly surreal experience. To be immersed in the high roller scene/lifestyle was something that I couldn’t even have imagined. To get to share this experience with people who mean a lot to me made it all the more special.”
The High Stakes Adventure: London documentary part one is available to watch now on ACR’s YouTube channel with part two dropping on October 20. Viewers can expect a captivating experience filled with twists, turns, and plenty of high-stakes drama, which will appeal to diehard poker players and casual fans alike.